Not all relationships are created equally. Understand the difference between "contacts" and actionable relationships which have commercial value.
Measuring relationship strength
Strong, actionable, relationships are vital to business growth. We'll show you how to benchmark and track key relationship strength.
Key Relationship Mapping
Building a key relationship map helps you identify the key relationships in your business growth. It helps you build actionable relationships strategically.
Why marketing requires actions
Comercially-valuable actions are the key to successful marketing. We'll help you learn how to link relationships to action.
Are relationships actionable?
Understand how to track and measure relationships to know when a relationship becomes actionable.
Measuring outcomes not activity
Use key relationship strength to measure commercially-valuable outcomes rather than marketing activity.
what you'll leave with
Key relationships
Understand who the key relationships are for achieving your next commercial milestone.
30-day relationship strategy
At least three strategic actions that will help you strengthen key relationship strength.
Key relationship map
First draft of a key relationship map that will become the key to growing your business.